A success story
Getting routine dental exams and cleanings are great for general upkeep. They help keep teeth healthy and white. They’re most important function is they catch problems at preventative stages. A tooth ache can become a root canal. Sore gums can become periodontal disease, and a sore jaw can become TMJ.
Relatively small issues can turn out to be much bigger problems. This was the case for one of our patients. An x-ray and routine cleaning became a procedure that saved her smile.
She received a comprehensive exam on June 10th, 2015. As a new patient to our office, she had not yet experienced our office’s hospitality and our doctor’s well-respected treatment. She received a cleaning along with her exam to get started on what would be an unexpected dental journey.
It turned out that she was in need of numerous fillings and tooth extractions. The race began to “save my smile!”
Dr. Marin, however, realized that this would be a more of a marathon and less of a race. He did multiple white fillings initially to begin the process of giving her a healthy mouth. A few weeks later, Dr. Marin removed impacted teeth that were causing further dental problems for her. She recently received some more fillings, and now can say “a dental exam saved my smile!”
This success story is one of many here at West Covina Smiles. Our new patient had not known the extent of the damage from over the years. Her teeth had problems that were not detectable by the untrained eye. The damages may have worsened and eventually caused irreversible damages. Luckily, she scheduled an exam with Dr. Marin and asked him to “save my smile”.
Call West Covina Smiles at 626.810.5000 and say “save my smile!”
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