Frequently Asked Questions
My teeth don’t hurt, do I need to go to the dentist?
It is true that teeth don’t hurt when they’re ok. Teeth also don’t hurt if the nerve is dead or infected, if the damage happens very slowly or in some case, from the inside out.
Some cavities develop by bacteria piercing a tiny opening on the enamel, because enamel is so hard to break, bacteria take the path of least resistance causing progressive damage on the inside without significant external signs. It may only develop symptoms once the enamel shell collapses exposing the nerve of thee tooth.
My teeth look fine, do I need braces?
Some people with minor teeth shifting may not need to do any corrective alignment. There are multiple reasons why a dentist may recommend orthodontic treatment or braces. The most common one is to address misaligned or crooked teeth, since teeth that overlap may cause plaque retention areas that make the patient more at risk to develop cavities and gum problems. Other reasons for braces may include:
To close gaps
To correct an uneven bite
To restore adequate function
To correct a deep bite, and underbite or an open bite
To address problems of the jaw joint (TMJ)
To avoid damage to supporting structures like bone, gums and muscles
Before implants or bridges
Ask you dentist if you’re a good candidate for an orthodontic consultation.
My Gums bleed, do I need a deep cleaning
We used to think of gum disease as a condition caused exclusively by bacterial infection. Now we know that gums are affected by multiple factors like bite trauma, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances and even stress. A thorough evaluation that includes measurements of the gum pockets, teeth molds and bite records may be necessary to determine the best approach to treat this condition.
How do I know if I grind my teeth?
In general is hard for someone to know if they grind their teeth because it is considered an unconscious habit. Some people make noise that can be heard by roommates, others don’t grind but clench, which is mor eof a clamping down forcefully without moving the jaw side to side. Some signs of teeth grinding or clenching are chipping of the front teeth with flat or sharp edges, back teeth with dental work that continuously breaks and has to be redone or replaced, sore muscles of the face when shaving or applying makeup, teeth that feel lose. Your dentist can take a closer look to determine the extent of the habit. Teeth grinding could be a sign of a serious medical condition that prevents you from getting enough oxygen while you sleep, please talk to your dentist if you suspect you may be suffering from teeth grinding.
When do wisdom teeth have to be removed?
Usually when they represent a risk factor for neighbor teeth. Most people don’t have enough room for their wisdom teeth to grow adequately so they come crooked and get stuck creating pressure on the roots and support structures of neighbor teeth causing gum swelling, infections, root decay and plaque buildup. For most people these molars erupt between 16 and 21 years of age. If you need to get your wisdom teeth removed, it is a lot more convenient to schedule the procedure before they start developing symptoms. Some wisdom teeth infections have sent patients to the emergency room and in the worst cases could progress into a life threatening infection called Sepsis. Some people don’t develop wisdom teeth and others have them so deeply impacted that it’s riskier to remove them.
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